Testing…123. Testing…123.

The Struggle is Real

It’s good to know that this blog still works because I have been neglecting it, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it. I knew I would come back around at some point, but I just wasn’t sure when.

I have to be honest and say that I’ve been struggling with finding balance in my life. In my last post, which I wrote about six months ago, I talked about priorities and time. This post kind of coincides with that one because I’m pretty much having the same struggles, but things are much better than 6 months ago (or even last month) as far as the time I have (Hello! 6-8 Hours of sleep!), so now I’m trying to focus on having balance in my life.

This will be an ongoing journey for me, because as I’ve mentioned, before becoming a mom, I really was just on my own time. So, I feel like I need to hit the reset button and really focus on finding balance in my life.

5 Ways I’m Finding Balance

  1. Creating some “me” time – I have always loved spending time  with myself, but that time alone hits different when you are a mother.  I am making a conscious effort to just have time to myself. I usually do this at night right after I put my baby to sleep, but now I find that 20 minutes to myself in the morning is worth getting up a little earlier, just so that I don’t feel rushed and I can start my day the way I want to.
  2. Doing me – This is along the same lines as me time, but I’m talking about going an extra step. In addition to getting time to myself, I use a bit of that time to treat myself. Let me tell you…I went and got a facial a few weeks ago and I forgot how it felt to be pampered. It felt so good, that I scheduled my next facial before I left the office. I told myself that I would make this a monthly treat. Once it’s on my calendar, I’m usually committed to it.  Another thing I did was tried this delicious coffee spot that passed by on my “doing me” day, and discovered a treat that I will definitely go back to when I want a little pick me up.
  3. Connecting with friends and family – The pandemic has really made it hard for me to really see friends and family like I want, but when I do, I always appreciate it. Over the past few months, I was able to hang out with loved ones that I haven’t seen in months or even years. I try my best not to turn down a reasonable invite because I realize how important connecting with others is to me. It doesn’t always work out, but being around my people helps me to balance.
  4. Decluttering – I’ve spoken about decluttering before, but with my mind being occupied with more things lately, I’m finding ways to declutter just more than physical possessions. I’m doing a digital decluttering, and mental decluttering as well. I am making a conscious effort to get rid of things that no longer serve me. I only want things that add value to my life and not something that is just laying dormant or not providing value. This is not something that I am doing overnight, but as things come up, I am being more ruthless with ridding it out my life, if it has no purpose.
  5. Planning Pad – I am getting better with planning my day or rather with padding my day. I need extra time for everything nowadays. So, firstly I have to pad my time, and secondly, I have to realize that somethings won’t make the cut. Basically, I can only do what I can do. And hopefully whatever I choose to do, I can plan accordingly.  I’m becoming better with planning my day, but I think once I master this, I will be able to better balance all that I have to do.


Finding balance is a process. Trying to break old habits (like going to bed super late) and remaining intentional is actually challenging for me, but I’m taking it a day at a time. This also means spending less time on things and people that don’t align with my process. I’m basically trying to simplify things so that I can have peace of mind.

I find that blogging helps me to be more intentional, so I have to dedicate more time doing this because I actually enjoy it also helps me to process my thoughts. I hope my next post is before 6 months, but just know that I am trying to do better and I’m trusting the process.



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